Fishing Vessels
Our factory is supplied primarily by the boats that are owned by our partners, who work collaboratively with us to ensure quality landings.
Our close relationships with our fishing partners have resulted in a fully integrated, high quality supply chain for our customers, with full traceability.
While at sea, the vessels are in constant contact with our factory to ensure supply matches demand. Rather than fishing to full capacity and maximising volume, the vessels regulate their trawl. This avoids overcrowding in the tanks, which can damage the fish, and shortens the time the fish are on board. Working in this way, the boats match their landing to the capacity of our factory: this consistency ensures the quality of our fish.
When caught, our fish are stored in refrigerated seawater tanks at the optimum temperature to preserve their quality. The crews chill the seawater as quickly as possible to guarantee a higher quality catch.
The boats locate and follow the fish as they migrate through the waters of the North East Atlantic. They record the location of the fish caught and pass that information directly to our factory, so that we are able to trace our fish products to where they were trawled.